Clinton is pegging her hopes on disqualified delegates from Florida and Michigan, two states not counted in the total because they broke party rules by holding their primaries early. She hopes to have their votes counted and their convention delegates seated. She promises to stay in the race throug…
希拉里·克林顿把她的希望寄托在佛罗里达州和密歇根州被取消了资格的代表的身上. 这两州的选票未被计入总数,因为他们过早地举行初选,违反了党内的的规定. 她希望能够计入这两州的选票并允许其大会代表入席全国代表大会. 希拉里承诺她会继续参加即将而来的角逐,包括六月一日在波多黎各以及六月三日在蒙大拿和南达科他州的初选…