Saint Mark's Square in Venice, Italy, is known for its historic buildings and its pigeons. Tourists have long enjoyed feeding the birds. As a result, the pigeon population has grown and grown. But local officials say all those droppings are not good for the buildings or the people in the square. As …
意大利,威尼斯的圣马克广场以其历史悠久的建筑群和鸽子闻名。游客们历来很享受喂鸽子带来的乐趣。结果,鸽子的数量越来越多。但是,当地的官员说,这些粪便对建筑群和广场里的游客非常不利。所以从这个月起,警察将对那些喂鸽子的人处以罚款。 一个叫菲利普.吉的听众,却对如何控制鸽子的数量另有一番见解。他说,为什么不…