CPR guidelines from two thousand five said only untrained people should use this method. Those with training were told to use traditional CPR. But now the American Heart Association says everyone should use hands-only CPR unless they feel strong about their ability to do rescue breathing. Th…
2005年心肺复苏术(CPR)指南中写到,只有未接受过培训的人才应使用这种方法。那些接受过培训的人应该使用传统的CPR。 但是现在,美国心脏病协会说每个人都应该仅使用手完成的CPR,除非他们觉得他们有做人工呼吸的能力。 该组织说,在几项研究中,只用手进行的方法和传统的CPR法一样有效。科学家说,呼吸停止后,体内有足够…