The prize winner for islands and island nations is Rosa Hilda Ramos of Puerto Rico. She is leading a movement to protect the Las Cucharillas Marsh from factory pollution. The wetland area is one of the last open spaces near San Juan's community of Catano. The Goldman prize winn…
岛群国家的得奖者为波多黎各的Rosa Hilda。 目前,她正领导让库恰里亚斯沼泽地免受工厂污染的环保活动。 该湿地位于卡塔诺, 是桑卷社区附近最后开放的地区之一。 Jesus Leon Santos是来自北美洲的获奖者。她在墨西哥渥尔亚卡领导土地修复和经济发展项目。Jesus和当地的农民一起修砌了水渠,种植了上百万棵树。在当地,因为…