本周, 全美房地产经纪人协会报道说,美国二月份成屋销售量增长了约百分之三。这是自七月以来的首次增长……
Now, as those values fall, some people owe more than their home is worth. Many buyers, often with risky credit histories, took out adjustable-rate mortgages, which started out low but later reset to higher rates. About two percent of all home loans are in foreclosure. Of course, that …
现在,由于房价下跌,一些人欠债比他们的房屋的价值还高。许多购房者-通常是一些信用历史不良的人会选择可调利率的抵押贷款。这种贷款开始利息较低,但是随后会重调为较高的利率。 约2%房屋贷款者被剥夺了抵押品的赎回权。当然,这意味着98%房屋未被放款方没收。然而,这仍然是自1979年美国抵押贷款银行家协会有记录来利率最…