As described at , the Universal Nut Sheller is basically a cement cone within a cone. The top and bottom are open. The user turns a handle and the peanuts fall between the surfaces and are rolled and squeezed. The peanuts and broken shells drop through the bottom and are separate…
正如“温饱计划”网站()所描述的,通用坚果剥壳机是一个水泥圆柱体内套另一个圆柱体。其顶部和底端是开口的。使用者转动摇杆,花生落入圆柱体表面之间,滚动,被挤压。花生和破碎的壳通过底部落下,然后手工分离(它们)。这个机器也可以用于咖啡、麻风树、非洲酪脂树果以及苦楝果。 该组织主要通过两…