This year, something happened at the Academy Awards that had not happened since nineteen sixty-four. All the winners for best acting were from outside the United States. Daniel Day-Lewis and Tilda Swinton are British. He won best actor for "There Will Be Blood"; she won best supporting actress for …
今年的奥斯卡中发生了一些自1964年以来不曾发生的现象。最佳演员奖的所有获奖者均来自美国以外的地区。 演员丹尼尔?戴?刘易斯和蒂尔达?斯温顿都来自英国。前者以《血色将至》一片夺取最佳男主角奖;而后者以《迈克尔?克莱顿》获得最佳女配角。法国女星玛丽昂?歌利亚凭借《玫瑰人生》获得最佳女主角的殊荣。西班牙演员贾…