全球超过2亿人患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, C.O.P.D.)...
Air pollution can also cause the disease. Miners and others who work around some kinds of dust and chemicals are at higher risk. And children who repeatedly suffer lung infections have a greater chance of developing the disease as adults. Genetics may also play a part. Doctors can perform a quick br…
空气污染也能引起这种疾病。 矿工和其他经常在灰尘和化学物质的环境中工作的人, (得病的)风险更大。并且,多次肺部感染的儿童在成年期患此病的可能性更大。另外,遗传可能也起到一定的作用。 医生可以通过一个叫做肺活量记的医疗设备来做一个快速的呼吸测试,以此来诊断是否患了慢性阻塞性肺疾病。但是专家说通常人们不做检…