Rob Nabors
Last month more Americans than expected lost their jobs. Job losses had fallen every month since January. The news raised questions about the strength of progress toward economic recovery. Unemployment is at 26 year highs. The jobless rate in June was 9.5%. That is already a lot higher than Preside…
尽管自一月以来失业率已逐月降低,但美国上月失业人数仍超过预期。这一信息对经济复苏的强度提出了质疑。六月份的失业率为9.5%,创26年来之新高。 尽管国会已通过一项刺激方案,但失业率仍高于奥巴马顾问团队对于今年下半年失业率的预测。国会于今年二月通过了美国复苏和再投资法案。此法案包括投入7870亿美元增加开支和减…