The administration also supports another proposal. Lenders would have to keep 5% of the home loans they would normally group together to sell as securities. The idea is that lenders will be more responsible in making loans if they might not be able to pass off risky mortgages to investors. Democrat…
奥巴马政府同样支持另一提案。贷方必须持有他们通常以有价证券组合出售的房屋贷款的5%。该提议的目的是让贷方在提供贷款方面更加负责,不能将抵押贷款的风险转嫁给投资者。 国会中的民主党领袖称,他们希望尽快通过此项议案,使总统在年底之前可以签署。有些团体对这些提案表示不满。保险公司希望能简化规则,以应对各州的监…