Redstone, Jupiter
Atlas rockets
McDonnell Company
The American space agency opened for business October first,1958. NASA's most important job was to send an American into space and return him safely to Earth. Project Mercury was the plan for doing this. It would use one of several dependable military rockets to launch a small, one-man spacecraft. T…
1958年10月1日,美国宇航局就开始从事商业活动,美国国家航空航天管理局的最主要的任务就是把一位美国人送到太空去,然后安全地返回地面。水星计划就是这样。它将使用几种可靠军事火箭中的一种把小的单人宇宙飞船送上太空。太空梭将返回地面,并在海洋中着陆。 此项目的宇航员将从从事科学,机械领域的最佳军事试飞员中挑选…