
The United States declared a public health emergency to permit the use of federal money and the use of flu medicines in federal storage. American officials so far have released about 12,000,000 treatments of Tamiflu and sent them to the states. They say additional supplies are available if needed. P…
美国宣布了公共卫生紧急处理方案--允许动用联邦资金、并且启用联邦库存内的流感药物。美方官员迄今已发放了1200万“达菲,并将之分送到美国各个州。美方表示,若有需要,还会再附加供应。总统奥巴马已经表示说,官员们正在密切留意此事,我们并不畏惧这一突发疫情。 美国疾病防控中心建议人们应当避免前往墨西哥旅游。不过这…