
Alistair Darling
Paul Krugman

The Brussels summit is the latest in a series of talks about how to tackle the economic downturn that has hard hit the 27-nation European Union, along with the rest of the world. At a meeting of top world finance ministers outside London last weekend, the United States and Europe sought to present a…
欧盟最新峰会在布鲁塞尔举行,这一系列的峰会旨在讨论如何解决重创欧盟27个成员国和世界其他地区的经济危机。上个周末,在伦敦举行的20国集团财政部长会议上,美国和欧洲试图拿出一个共同的立场,来对付这场几十年来最为严重的经济危机。 正像英国财政大臣达林(AlistairDarling)对记者所说的,每个国家都必须自由地建立各自…