边际土地还是有用处的。大多数情况下,它们被用做牛羊的草场。农民可能用本地的牧草或外地的草种。Jonah Ojowu BenueNigeriaalfalfa
We have a question from Jonah Ojowu in Benue State, Nigeria, about a subject we have discussed in the past. Jonah is a postgraduate student in soil and water management at the University of Agriculture in Makurdi. He would like information about the management of marginal lands. "Marginal" lands mig…
尼日利亚贝努埃州的Jonah Ojowu就我们之前曾谈论的一个话题提出了一个问题。Jonah是马库尔迪农业大学水土管理系的研究生。他想获得一些关于边际土地管理的信息。边际土地土壤质量也许较低,或者位于陡峭的山坡上或降雨极少的区域。总之,好的条件之下,它们最后一个被考虑用于种植,而在坏的条件之下,则第一个被考虑避开。…