Daniel Lieberman
They divided the runners into 3 groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the 3rd group had changed to shoeless running. Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot…
他们将跑步者分成3组,第一组一直都是赤脚跑步,第二组始终穿着鞋跑,第三组则由穿鞋跑步改为赤脚跑。 穿着鞋跑步的人通常是脚跟先着地,这样会给脚的后部施加很多压力。但研究发现,赤脚跑步的人一般是脚前部或者中部着地,这样脚着地时冲击较小,同时可以避免撞击脚后跟。 哈佛大学的丹尼尔•利伯曼是该研究的负责人。他表…