Mayo Clinic
校稿 聆风暮雪
翻译 wintervest
组长 _香阳洋洋_
We need to add that doctors also say it is possible to drink too much water. Some people, for example, do this if they exercise hard during a heat wave. Experts with the Mayo Clinic say drinking too much water can cause hyponatremia. In this condition, the level of sodium in the blood falls too low.…
我们需要额外声明,医生还说人们可能会摄取过量的水分;比如一些人在高温下进行剧烈运动之后就会大量饮水。梅奥诊所的专家认为饮水过多将引发低钠血症。此时血液中的钠含量将降至极低的水平。 结果就是体内含水量升高。这将使细胞变大。梅奥诊所的专家们称,增大的细胞可以让人感觉恶心或者焦躁,还会造成智力下降,肌肉无力…