The elderly suffer from ___1___. A third of people over 65 fall at least once a year. Half of those fall more frequently. Exercise can help, especially when they exercise to this [sound of piano]. That’s right, the elderly ___2___ when they exercise to piano music. The research was published online in the Archives of Internal Medicine. [Andrea Trombetti et al., Effect of Music-Based Multitask Training on Gait, Balance, and Fall Risk in Elderly People]
Scientists in Switzerland recruited 134 adults—average age about 75. For six months, half took a weekly hour-long class that focused on balance. They worked out to the piano, changing movements in response to changes in the beat.The exercises got progressively more difficult. The other group ___3___ for six months.
Then the two groups ___4___. Those who worked out to tunes improved their gait and had longer and more stable strides. Overall, the first music-exercising group experienced half as many falls as the control group. But when the control group started striding to songs six months in, they gained the same benefits. Ninety-six percent of the participants exercising to the ___5___ of the piano were women. So it remains to be seen if piano music can help men stay upright too.
an alarming epidemic gain a better sense of balance continued with their regular activities switched dulcet tones
老者易摔倒,家人难安心。65岁以上老年人中有三分之一每年至少要摔倒一次,这三分之一的老年人中有一半摔倒不止一次。锻炼,尤其是边听这个(钢琴声)边锻炼能够降低老人摔倒频率。没错,边听钢琴曲边锻炼能让老年人保持较好的平衡感。这项研究发表在《内科学文献》在线文库中。 瑞士科学家对134名平均年龄75岁左右的老人进行了研究。其中67位老人在六个月的时间里每周都上一次一小时的平衡课。他们根据心率改变钢琴曲的节奏,练习难度逐步增加。另外67位老人在这六个月内照常生活作息。 六个月之后,这两组老人对换活动内容。跟着钢琴声锻炼过的老人们步子拉开了,步伐也稳健有力了。先进行听音乐锻炼的那组老人摔倒总数只有对照组的一半。但对照组老人开始进行听音乐锻炼之后,他们摔倒次数也减少了,步伐也得到了相同的改善。但参与此项研究的老年人中有96%都是女性,因此科学家们还得研究研究,这样边听着曼妙钢琴声边锻炼是否对老年男性也有同样的神奇效果。