An estimated nine million seven hundred thousand people in low- and middle-income countries were in need of H.I.V. treatment last year. The report says that by the end of the year, just over thirty percent of them were getting it. The report says price reductions are a main reason why more people w…
去年,估计在中、低收入国家中,有970万人需要接受HIV治疗。报告指出,到年底时,其中仅百分之三十多的人在接受治疗。 报告称,(治疗)费用降低是更多HIV患者获得治疗药物的原因,这包括更多的孕妇。而且,运输系统也被重新设计以便更好的服务于单个国家和较小的健康中心。治疗也比过去简单多了。 但是报告也指出,在应对艾…