校稿 maya86
翻译 瞥未草青
组长 jilang
When I was a young child in school, I had to learn the 3 R's. These important skills are reading, writing and arithmetic. These 3 words do not all start with the letter "R". But they have the sound of "R". My teachers used to give 3 cheers when I did well in math. They gave praise and approval for a…
当我还在上学的时候,我必须学习三个“R”,这三个重要技能是阅读,写作和算术。这三个词并不都以字母“R”开头,但它们的发音都含有“R”。每当我数学做的不错的时候,老师都会为我欢呼三声(give three cheers)。人们总会对圆满完成的工作给予表扬和肯定。 我的一些朋友被学校作业弄得晕头转向,他们的状况就是乱七八糟(…