Christina Aguilera BACK TO BASICS Tour 2007 Shanghai Concert

(Christina单曲Ain’t No Other Man欣赏)

One of the most accomplished performers of the last decade, Christina Aguilera has sold well over 25 million albums worldwide and cultivated a fan base that crosses generational, racial and gender lines. Now, segueing from the audacious sexuality of her second studio album, Stripped, the chameleon-like performer pays tribute to the music that has inspired her with her third studio album Back To Basics (RCA Records).

Back To Basics has made Aguilera the biggest-seller in the SoundScan era for a female artist, passing Streisand’s 2-CD “The Concert” release in ’94. Her debut single, “Ain’t No Other Man,” off her double platinum album, was a huge success, along with her second single “Hurt,” while her third single “Candyman” continues to climb the charts.

Now Christina is giving her first concert ever in Shanghai on June 26th with Back To Basics. Let’s experience the diversity of CA’s new music styles and powerful performance on live。

克里斯蒂娜. 阿奎莱 "返璞归真"世界巡演上海开唱 

克里斯蒂娜. 阿奎莱拉作为上个世纪90年代末大红大紫的美国流行歌手之一,其全世界范围内的唱片销量总数超过2500万张。其歌迷层次不分年龄、种族和性别。一如既往的,除了延续第二张专辑《Stripped》中大胆性感的风格,《Back to Basics》融入了更多的音乐元素。(《Back to Basics》由RCA唱片公司出版发行)

《Back to Basics》的发行量超过了于94年发行的芭芭拉. 史翠珊的双CD音乐会专辑,也使得克里斯蒂娜. 阿奎莱拉成为SoundScan统计中有史以来唱片销量最多的女歌手。除了双白金唱片,她的首支单曲“Ain’t No Other Man,”第二支单曲“Hurt”都取得了巨大成功,第三支单曲“Candyman”也持续停留在排行榜上.

今年的6月26日,克里斯蒂娜. 阿奎莱将举行"返璞归真"世界巡演2007上海演唱会,届时,我们将一同感受克里斯蒂娜. 阿奎莱全新的曲风和她更成熟,更具魅力的现场表演。

在线订票: MUSIC