I never get tired of Christmas music, and there are so many different kinds to choose from. Popular artists make Christmas albums every year, but my favorite tunes come from artists in the 1950s and 60s. Christmas music comes in every genre, and it plays on radio stations and in stores for at least a month before Christmas. Christmas carols and hymns are also popular; these are songs that are easy to sing in groups because they have different vocal parts and many verses. Christmas caroling is a great way to learn these songs, where a group of people get together and walk from house to house, knocking on doors to serenade the people inside. While radio stations play Christmas music to get people in the holiday spirit, television stations play Christmas movies. There are the classic films, like It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Christmas comedies, like Home Alone, Elf, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. My favorite Christmas film, however, is Love Actually. It’s become a tradition for my friends and me to watch that together every year with mulled wine and plenty of Christmas cookies.