自1月9日以来,苏丹南方开始就是否独立举行公投,引发全球高度关注。如果南方最终选择独立,苏丹将“一分为二”,失去非洲面积最大国家的头衔,1956 年独立的苏丹将进入新的历史。苏丹为何会走到如今的局面,苏丹南部为何要就独立公投,未来苏丹将面临什么新问题,所有这些都需要一一解答。
It’s a small sampling of voters, but the result was an overwhelming 99 percent show of southern Sudan’s desire for independence. Of 7198 votes cast by southern Sudanese at three polling centers in Ethiopia, 7137 were for secession from the north, 26 were for unity, and another 36 were either inval…