小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny:Okay, if you're going to drink on this date, just promise me you won't overdo it.
-Raj:Overdo what? Happiness? Freedom? This warm ___1___ inside of me that promises everything's going to be all hunky-dunky?
-Penny:Yeah, that. Why don't you bring her to my restaurant while I'm tending the bar so I can ________2_______ you?
-Leonard:Wait a minute. What's the plan here? Let's say he meets her, he likes her, they get married. What's he going to do, stay drunk for the rest of his life?
-Raj:I can't believe I'm sitting here next to little Lalita Gupta.
-Lalita:Well, you are.
-Raj:Little Lalita. That's kind of fun to say. Little Lalita, little Lalita, little Lalita. You should try it.
-Lalita:Oh, it's okay.
-Raj:You have lost so much ___4___. That must have been difficult for you because you were so, so fat. Do you remember?
-Lalita:Yes, I do.
-Raj:Of course you do. ____________5____________?
-Lalita:Well, I've been trying.
-Raj:So you're a dental student. Mm, are you aware that dentists have an extremely high ________6_______? Not as high as, say, air traffic controllers, but, then, there are far more dentists than air traffic controllers, so in pure numbers, you're still winning.
-Lalita:Yeah, me.
glow keep an eye on Worked for my parents weight Who could forget being that fat suicide rate
-Penny:如果你约会的时候要喝酒,答应我不要过火。(overdo it:做得过火) -Raj:什么过火?幸福? 自由? 还是流淌在我心中的这股让我战无不胜的暖流? -Penny:对,就是那个。不如你在我管理吧台时带她来约会吧,这样我还能照看你。(tend:照料;keep an eye on:照看) -Raj:好的。 -Leonard:等一下,下一步怎么办?假设他见了她,他爱上了她,他们俩结婚了。他能怎么做,下半辈子一直醉着? -Howard:我爸妈就是这样的。 -Raj:真不敢相信我就坐在小Lalita Gupta旁边。 -Lalita:恩,你已经坐了。 -Raj:小Lalita。这样说挺好玩的。小Lalita,小Lalita,小Lalita。你也应该试试。 -Lalita:呃,不用了。 -Raj:你瘦了好多。这对你来说肯定很难,因为你过去是那么那么的胖。你还记得吗? -Lalita:我记得。 -Raj:你当然记得。胖成那样谁能忘得了呢? -Lalita:我一直在努力忘。 -Raj:你是个口腔专业学生。对了,你知道牙医有很高的自杀率吗?虽然没有空中交管员的高,但牙医人数比空中交管员多得多,所以单从数字上说你还是赢家。(air traffic controller:空中交管员 traffic:交通;pure:纯的) -Lalita:耶,我…… (翻译解析提供:脏乖)