
本段中Dr. Lightman本想停车走人的,但是不巧的是,车位却让另一路人捷足先登了,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~我们的Lightman能放过他吗?呵呵,还是一起来看看Dr. Lightman的妙招吧~~

All right.
1________. We'll find another one.
No. Maybe he didn't see me. Why don't you get out.
Just drive.
You didn't see me 2____________?
Didn't see you.
No, I did not see you.
I-I was waiting, too.
You must not have seen me.
That's 3________. Classic gestural slip. Got the slightest head nod "yes" before you shook your head "no".
Look, I'm 4___________. And I'm not going anywhere.
That's true.
You can't 5___________ like that! Sir?
Congratulations. One liar down, six and a half billion to go.

Forget it waiting for that space fantastic in the space block me in
真是的。 算了,我们再找个车位吧。 他可能没有看到我要停车,你先下车吧。 开车走吧。 你没看到我正要停车吗? 没看见。 真的吗? 真的没看见。我也正准备停呢。你肯定没看到我。 真经典啊,你的动作出卖了你。在你摇头否认之前,轻轻微微的点了一下头。 我停都停了,别指望我会让出来。 不碍事儿。 你不能这样挡着我吧!先生? 恭喜啊,揭穿一个谎言,还有65亿等着你。(约为世界人口数)