The Big Apple
Conventions and Visitors Bureau
Barry Popik
John Fitz Gerald
校稿 天地一沙鸥wp
翻译 xzc1987
组长 ilmalfoy
A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname also can be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. Many American cities have nicknames. These can help us establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity. A few years ago, some marketing and advertising ex…
“昵称”是人名的简称,也可以是某一人物,地点或事情的描述性称呼。美国的许多城市都有昵称。它有助于构建认同感,增强公民的自豪感,以及加强团结。 几年前,人们让一些营销和广告专家给美国的一个城市起最佳昵称。美国最大的城市纽约成了赢家。其最佳昵称是“大苹果”。 你也许会好奇,纽约市究竟是怎么被冠以这…