
Johnny: You could be right. But we don't actually work together closely.
I'm at the front of the operation - searching out opportunities, winning contracts, clinching deals.
Magda: Alright for you then!
Magda: That's what you always say!
Sarah: Magda, don't worry. Not all Chinese people are like that. We don't only care about money!
Johnny: Maybe. But all I mean is, well, I know where I'm going.
Magda: Lucky you. I wish I did.
Sarah: Oh dear. Nothing at all?
Magda: Well, I've got an interview with a small architect's practice next week.
Sarah: That's great news! Well done!
Magda: Yeah. But, I'm really worried about it! I've never done a job interview before. Can you give me some advice?
Sarah: Erm, I guess I could help. I've done one or two interviews.
Johnny: I'll tell you all you need to know! Don't worry.
Magda: Oh, er, well, great.
Johnny: But I can't tell you now. Got to go.
Johnny: Got an appointment with the boys, haven't I? Fadi and Harry. We're all playing football this evening. Bye!
Sarah: Bye!
It's a big company you know. And Harry works on the IT side. I'll be rich in three years. There are more important things in life than money, you know. I'm about to finish my degree and haven't got anything lined up for the future yet. Just listen to me, take my advice and you'll definitely get the job! Where are you off to in such a hurry?