


Sarah: Look, I really need a place, urgently. And it'll be ok, I'm sure.
Olivia: Lots of opportunities to see Fadi.
Johnny: There's Fadi, always stuck to that phone, always working, or perhaps it's girls!
Olivia: Actually, he's helping Sarah to find a flat.
Johnny: Oh. Ok. Good. Well, hello! What's up?
Sarah: I'm still trying to find a flat.
Magda: And I finish my degree soon, which means I have to get a job, or go back to Poland.
Johnny: And you want to stay here in London?
Olivia: That's not true, there are lots of jobs around.
Magda: Yes, but I don't want to just work in a bar or a café or a shop.
Olivia: Oh thanks!
Magda: Sorry! I know you work in a shop, but, that's different.
But usually, you know, shopwork isn't great.
Olivia: Tell me about it.
Sarah: But you'll be a trained architect, won't you?
Magda: Yes, exactly. But it's not easy to get work as an architect.
Johnny: You should go to China. Lots of opportunities there right now, lots of building.
Fadi: Listen, Sarah.
Sarah: "We"?
Fadi: Well, I'll go with you, show you where it is.
Sarah: Erm, ok. Thanks!
Olivia: Told you so!


Are you sure about moving in there? You are such a terrible gossip! Why does everyone look so glum here? Yeah, but it's so difficult to get a job. It's your own shop, and you sell such special things, those lovely handmade shoes! There's a lot of competition here in London. I spoke to my cousin and we can go round to have a look at the flat this afternoon if you like. Well, you might have solved your problem then, but I might not be here much longer!