
London Heathrow Airport: Pod Taxi

London Heathrow Airport’s innovative new Ultra POD transport system connects Terminal 5 with the airport’s extensive Business Car Park areas. The British-developed system is one of the first examples of new personal rapid transit technology.

Each pod is designed to carry up to four people and their luggage (including pushchairs and bulky items) in temperature-controlled comfort. The pods do not require a ticket and are free to use. There is no waiting around for timetabled services, and no stops along the way. Just jump in and go!



Amsterdam's Schiphol airport: Vending machine offers DIY banners

Amsterdam's Schiphol airport now has the world's first vending machine capable of printing out personalized giant canvas banners in just a few minutes.

You can pick your message, whether that is "Missed you Mummy," "I love you," "Will you marry me?," or anything else that makes you stand out from the crowd, choose the font and background design, pay between four and 15 euros depending on the length of the banner, and hit the button.



Birmingham Airport: Thomson Airways cooking oil plane

Britain's first commercial flight, powered by sustainable biofuel, has taken off from Birmingham Airport. The Thomson Airways Boeing 757 used a 50/50 mix of used cooking oil and traditional aviation fuel.
英国首架使用环保生物燃料“地沟油” 的商业航班从伯明翰机场始发,试飞成功。英国汤普森航空公司的这架波音757飞机使用的燃料中,厨房废油和传统航油各占一半。

Thomson Airways said the scheduled flight would use biofuel on a daily basis from 2012. Before then the company hopes the cost of biofuel can be brought down.
汤普森航空公司表示,从2012年开始,这趟定期航班将每日都使用“地沟油” 作燃料。在此之前公司希望能降低生物燃料的成本。

小编点评:“地沟油” 航班遭到英国环保人士的抗议,但是伯明翰机场作为第一个吃螃蟹的人,勇气可嘉!


Wellington Airport:Wellywood Sign

Wellington Airport announced it would erect an eight-by-30 metre (26x100 foot) Wellywood sign on a hillside it owns overlooking the city.

Airport chief executive Steve Fitzgerald said they wanted to promote the film industry in the city. "At Wellington Airport we are proud to do this through celebrating Wellington's talent and success," Fitzgerald said.
机场首席执行官Steve Fitzgerald表示,希望以这种方式促进当地电影业的发展。“我们惠灵顿机场感到很骄傲可以做这样一件事,来表达对惠灵顿人的天赋和成功的赞赏之情。”

小编点评:新西兰国内不少人表示这种做法纯属模仿,对宣传电影一点作用不起,反而会落下“东施效颦” 的笑柄。话说,好莱坞会不会告他们侵权啊?


Le Bourget Airport: Solar Impulse aircraft

Aircraft spotters enjoyed a rare treat as the Solar Impulse aircraft arrived in Le Bourget successfully after its fuel-free flight to the International Paris Air Show, where it is billed as one of the special guests.

Founders say Solar Impulse is a first, because despite being solar powered, it can also cope when the weather turns bad, making it the first plane to be able to fly day and night without requiring fuel.
