
到目前为止,美国已有超过1,000所院校和机构认可IELTS成绩,这其中就包括8所常青藤联盟学校中的7所,如哈佛、耶鲁和普林斯顿这样的名校。IELTS正成为您走向美国的炫目通行证。继去年 "IELTS--美国说Yes活动"成功举办之后,2007年活动大幕已经拉开,火热报名正热烈进行中。

From April 23rd to Oct 31st 2007, the Education and Cultural Section of British Embassy is organising a National IELTS campaign which is named ‘IELTS- USA Say Yes!'. This includes a lucky draw event. All candidates who have used IELTS to apply to universities in the USA since June 1st 2006 are eligible to participate in this lucky draw.

IELTS is recognised by over 1000 organisations in the USA recognised this includes 7 out of 8 Ivy League Universities, and universities such as Yale, Harvard and Princeton University.

Come and join the ‘IELTS - USA say yes!' campaign and win a flight ticket to the USA.
