导演:乔·卡纳汉 Joe Carnahan
主演:连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 德蒙特·莫罗尼 Dermot Mulroney 詹姆斯·贝吉·戴尔 James Badge Dale
影片类型:动作 / 剧情
发行公司:Open Road Films (II)


之前有消息爆出,Open Road买下这部《人狼大战》,并许诺要用2500万美元做宣传,甚至还推选连姆·尼森竞争奥斯卡最佳男主角。但是,影片2012年1月27日的映期多少让人对Open Road公司的宣传有些质疑,并且不论是威尼斯电影节还是多伦多电影节,《人狼大战》都没有参加,一点也不像申奥电影应该有的势头。

The Grey is an upcoming action-drama film directed by Joe Carnahan and starring Liam Neeson. It follows a number of men stranded in Alaska after a plane crash, and forced to survive using little more than their wits as a group of wolves come after them. The film will release on January 27, 2012.

The Grey reunites director Joe Carnahan with producers Ridley Scott and Tony Scott as well as actor Liam Neeson, who collaborated on the 2010 action film The A-Team. Filming began in January 2011 and ended in March. Though set in Alaska, the film was shot in British Columbia, Canada.

小编点评: 从《人狼大战》的先行版预告片来看,这不过是一部B级惊悚片。不过片尾处,连姆·尼森将小酒瓶打碎绑在自己手上对付野狼的画面倒是创意十足。而且近些年来,这种荒野冒险题材的电影很是紧缺,不知道《人狼大战》是否能像连姆·尼森之前的《飓风营救》一样成为票房上的黑马?