1. 在线看电影

1.Laptops And Streaming Movies

When I can't fall asleep, I stream Netflix on my computer and fall asleep with it on my bed (probably bad for me and my computer).

If a person is looking at a computer screen, they're stimulating their brain with bright light. turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime (instead of working up until the last possible moment) and starting a simple bedtime routine.

2. 看点无聊的书

2.White Noise, Boring Books

I listen to white noise on my ipod every night, and I read something so boring it puts me to sleep.

Not bad! White noise is helpful to block out ambient noises (particularly prevalent in a big city) -- and it's perfectly safe to listen as long as the volume isn't cranked up too loudly.

And while reading a book may be a good way to distract yourself from life's stresses, it's better to do so before you get in bed as part of your nighttime unwinding routine.

White noise: 是指一段声音中的频率分量的功率在整个可听范围(0~20KHZ)内都是均匀的。因为人耳对高频较敏感,所以这种声音听上去是沙沙声,近似于之声FM频段空白处的声音。白噪音可以用来掩盖令人心烦的杂音,是一种有效的声音治疗方法。


3. Wait It Out

I don't usually have trouble falling asleep, but when I do, I don't really do anything.

Being in bed unable to sleep can create a stressful situation, so get up, read a book or do something else (not work or computer time, which can make your brain shift into alert-mode) for 15 or 20 minutes before trying to go to sleep again.


4. TV And Antihistamines

I turn my TV on to something boring, but I don't watch -- I just listen with my eyes closed. And when all else fails ... an antihistamine.

This approach to TV is actually a form of white noise -- and while that can be a good technique, experts say to ditch the TV and try a white noise machine instead.

5. 听会儿轻音乐

5. Soft, Calming Music

When I was younger, I used to read when I couldn't sleep, but it was too easy for me to get sucked into a good book and stay up until 4 a.m. to finish. Now, I turn on some calming music (quiet, so the volume isn't distracting).

The calming music, drowns out environmental noise, especially if it's mostly instrumental.


6. Post-Its

When I can't fall asleep, it's usually because I'm worried about something or am anticipating the stress of the next day. To ease my mind, I keep a notebook or a stack of Post-It notes next to my bed, so I can jot down any last-minute thoughts before I go to sleep.

Write it down, then you can let it go.

7. 继续工作

7. More Work

I work, and often don't go back to sleep. I actually really enjoy the time when no one is emailing or IMing me, and usually I'm pretty productive. I'm exhausted the next day, of course, but it feels better than spending hours in bed awake and ruminating.

Setting strong limits about not working after a certain time for your health's sake.

8. 戴眼罩

8. Eye Masks

When I'm really trying to fall asleep and can't, I try to position myself so that I block out as much light as possible. Sometimes I'll wear a sleep mask, which helps a lot.

Light stimulates that part of the brain that promotes arousal and vigilance, and eye shades are an absolute necessity for anyone who has any sort of ambient light coming in the room.