1 吃货必备——煎饼枕

This pillow set design by Todd von Bastiaans and Bryan McCarthy really looks like pancakes with pats of butter!
这款枕头是由Todd von Bastiaans和Bryan McCarthy共同设计而成,它看起来超级像一堆薄饼上放了两块黄油。

沪江小编:= =小编脑海里顿时浮现了无数吃货在上面打滚的情形........

2 点睛之笔——月亮枕

A pillow created with 26 hi-resolution images of the moon's surface, the floor pillow is one cool living room gadget that has a diameter of 5-foot wide. Designed by Lily Suh, a South Korean designer.
这款枕头的外观是26副高清凸显组成的月球表面,这款直径为5英尺的枕头绝对是客厅里的点睛之笔。它是由韩国设计师Lily Suh设计的。

3 锤子枕

At 14" tall by 12" wide, if you've got an upright sleeper in the house, the pillow looks perfect for sawing logs.

4 阅读必备——灯光枕

Give your kids a pillow like this and they could have a better posture while reading.

5 科幻人士最爱——飞毯枕头

The Flying Carpet is the only carpet/floor pillow that gives you the magic sensation of lying down between hills.

6 网虫必备利器

Many people like to read and use the computer by lying prone on the floor. Since you have to support your upper body with two arms, it will be easy to last for a long time.

7 宅男最爱——大腿枕

This Japanese lap pillow is shaped like a kneeling woman's legs (short skirt included) and described as "a comfy cushion for napping, reading or watching television."

8 懒人利器——躺、坐由你枕

If you've ever wanted a soft, comfortable surface that can instantly transform from a floor covering into seating, this pillow from Pling Collection fits the bill.
如果你想要一个能一秒钟从沙发变地毯,能坐又能躺的东西的话,这款Pling Collection枕头一定能符合你的需求。