Happy International Translation Day!

International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered as the patron saint of translators. The celebrations have been promoted by FIT (the International Federation of Translators) ever since it was set up in 1953. In 1991 FIT launched the idea of an officially recognized International Translation Day to show solidarity of the worldwide translation community in an effort to promote the translation profession in different countries. This is an opportunity to display pride in a profession that is becoming increasingly essential in the era of progressing globalization.
今天是国际翻译日(International Translation Day),又被称为圣杰罗姆(Saint Jerome)日。圣杰罗姆(347-420)是早期西方《圣经》学家,他作为《圣经》拉丁文本的译者,一直被西方笔译和口译工作者奉为守护神。长期以来,笔译和口译工作者(以及他们所在的协会)都会利用他的生日(9月30日)前后的日子举行纪念活动。1991年国际翻译家联盟(FIT)将每年的9月30日正式定为国际翻译日,在世界各国推广翻译这一职业。这是一个表达翻译职业自豪感的日子。随着全球化进程的加快,翻译将变得越来越重要。

1992年 国际翻译家联盟(FIT)根据国际形势的发展,每年提出不同的翻译日主题。2011年国际翻译日的主题为“Bridging cultures”(沟通文化),强调译者在文化沟通过程中的桥梁纽带作用。


1992:Translation — the vital link 翻译——至关重要的纽带

1993:Translation, a pervasive presence 翻译,无处不在

1994:The many facets of translation 翻译面面观

1995:Translation, a key to development 翻译,发展之关键

1996:Translators and Copyright 翻译与版权

1997:Translating in the Right Direction 翻译的正确方向

1998:Good Translation Practices 翻译的成功经验

1999:Translation — Transition 翻译-转变

2000:Technology serving the needs of translation 服务于翻译需要的技术

2001:Translation and ethics 翻译与职业道德

2002:Translators as agents of social change 翻译工作者是社会变革的促进者

2003:Translators' rights 翻译工作者的权利

2004:Translation, underpinning multilingualism and cultural diversity 翻译:多语并存与文化多元性的基石

2005:Translation and Human Rights 翻译与人权

2006:Many Languages — One Profession 多种语言——同一职业

2007:Don’t Shoot the Messenger! 请勿迁怒于信使!

2008:Terminology: Words Matter 术语学——词语至关重要

2009:Working together 携手合作

2010:Translation quality for A Variety of Voices 多样化的语言,高质量的翻译

2011:Bridging cultures 沟通文化
