日本小调查又来啦!这次问的是“日本哥们儿最不想被老婆/女友发现的TOP 10”。(话说就这点而言全球男生都应该是一样的吧……)


1. What’s on your PC
1. 电脑里存了什么货?

2. The size of your bank balance
2. 银行里还剩多少钱?

3. What’s on your DVR
3. 摄像机里录了什么?

4. What your ideal woman is like
4. 理想中的女生什么样?

5. How dirty your room is
5. 房间到底有多脏?

6. What you get up to on your SNS/blog
6. 网络社区(或博客)里写了些什么?

7. What your most excessive habits are
7. 最夸张的爱好是什么?

8. That you’re still in contact with your ex
8. 是不是还跟前任有联系?

9. That there are other women who like you
9. 是不是有其他女人追你?

10. What you get up to at drinking parties
10. 去饮酒聚会是都干嘛了?


