We'll always think of him as the penniless Jack Dawson of Titanic fame. But DiCaprio won't be riding steerage class anytime soon.
我们永远无法忘却泰坦尼克号上那个身无分文的Jack Dawson。但是迪卡普里奥总算苦尽甘来了。

As the star of two major hit films in 2010, he's been crowned the most profitable actor in Hollywood this year. Forbes crunched the numbers from May 2010 to May 2011, placing DiCaprio at the top of their highest-earning actors list with an estimated $77 million salary. He pulled in the profits not from a slew of movies, but from just two hit films last year. DiCaprio starred in both Shutter Island and Inception, films that earned a combined $1.2 billion at the box office. And by all (bank) accounts, DiCaprio was adequately compensated for his work.

DiCaprio, who found himself fifth in Forbes' 2010 survey, leaped over last year's champ Johnny Depp, this year's second-place earner with $50 million. The top five highest-earning actors were:

1.Leonardo DiCaprio - $77 million莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥-7700万美元
2.Johnny Depp - $50 million约翰尼·德普-5000万美元
3.Adam Sandler - $40 million亚当·桑德勒-4000万美元
4.Will Smith - $36 million威尔·史密斯-3600万美元
5.Tom Hanks - $35 million汤姆·汉克斯-3500万美元

We'll see him in 2012 as the title character in Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby.