assimilate vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.使同化,使吸收
The U.S. has assimilated people from many European countries. ;美国同化了许多来自 欧洲国家的移民.
We assimilate some kinds of food more easily than others. ;我们对某些种类的事物 比别的事物更容易吸收.

authoritative a.有权威的,可信的; 命令的,独断强制的
That the moon moves around the earth ;月亮围绕地球运转,
and the earth arounds the sun is an authoritative opinion. ;地球围绕太阳运转是 权威的观点.

authorize vt.授权;批准
I am authorized to act for the manager. ;我受委托代表经理行事.

bypass n.旁路;小道;分流术; 旁通管 vt.绕过,绕…走; 越过,置…于不顾
Let's bypass the town. ;我们绕过这座小镇子吧!

correlate vt.使相互关联 vi.(~to,~with) 相关,关联
We should correlate theory with practice. ;我们必须把理论与 实践联系起来.
The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate. ;圆的直径和圆周率有 相互关系.

corrode vi.使腐蚀,侵蚀,腐蚀
Acid causes metal to corrode. ;酸会腐蚀金属.
Iron corrodes easily. ;铁易生锈.

corrupt a.腐败的,堕落的 vt.腐蚀,使腐败
The businessman was sent to prison for try -ing to corrupt a tax official with money. ;那个商人因企图向税务 官员行贿而被判入狱.
counterpart zn.与对方地位相当的人, 与另一方面作用相当 的物.
Night is the counterpart of day. ;黑夜与白天相辅相成.
The secretary of state is the counterpart of the foreign minister. ;国务卿相当于外交部长.

drawback n.缺陷;不利条件;缺点
In spite of all its drawbacks,CET Band 4 and CET Band 6 ;尽管有这样或那样的 缺点,但是大学英语 四级、六级考试
greatly promote English teaching in colleges and universities. ;还是极大地促进了 大学的英语教学.

dual a.双的,二重的
A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes. ;别克轿车是有 双排气管的汽车.

dub vt.起绰号;授予…以称 号;为(影片)配音, 译制(影片)
Wang Wei was dubbed revolutionary martyr. ;王伟被授予 革命烈士称号.
I don't like English films dubbed in Chinese. ;我不喜欢用中文配了音 的英语电影.

expertise n.专门技能;专门知识
Modern college students must acquire technical expertise to survive in society. ;当代大学生要想在社会 上立足就必须有技术专 长.

exquisite a.精致的,精美的; 剧烈的,极度的; 敏锐的,有高度鉴赏力的
A cancer patient usually suffers exquisite pain. ;癌症病人通常遭受 剧烈疼痛的折磨.
He has exquisite tastes and manners. ;他有高尚的情趣和举止.

fury n.狂怒,暴怒; 狂暴,激烈
He flew into a fury when I said I couldn't help him. ;当我说不能帮助他时, 他立刻暴跳如雷.
At last the fury of the storm lessened. ;风暴的猛烈程度 终于降低了.

fusion n.合并,联合;何聚变
This series of symphony is a fusion of several different styles of music. ;这一组交响乐是糅合几种 不同风格的乐曲而成的.
This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal. ;这种合金是用两种金属 熔和而成的.

inventory n.详细目录,存货清单 vt.开清单;清点存货
Some stores inventory their stock once a month. ;有些商店每月盘货一次.

invert vt.使倒转,使颠倒, 使转化
The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty. ;魔术师把袋子由里向 外翻,表明里面是空的.
Inflation inverts all the old canons of economics. ;通货膨胀把原有的经济 准则统统颠倒过来.

irony n.反话,讽刺, 讽刺之事
He is too slow to understand the irony of his opponent. ;他反应太迟钝,居然没 有听出对手的讽刺挖苦 之意.

luminous a.发光的,明亮的
It is said that there was a luminous UFO flying over New York City. ;有人说曾经有一个发光 的不明飞行物飞越纽约 市上空.

mourn vt.哀悼; (对…)感到痛心 (或遗憾)
The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved leader. ;举国上下哀悼这位 敬爱的领导人.

proximity n.接近,邻近, 附近,临近
Swift's major writings ;斯威夫特的主要作品
have a proximity and a relevance that is splendidly invigorating. ;具有令人非常激动的 亲近感和现实意义.


quench vt.熄灭;扑灭; 抑制(欲望)
The disapproval of my colleagues quenched my enthusiasm for the plan. ;同事们的反对减弱了我 对这项计划的热情.
The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it. ;没有人来摘这些成熟 的水果,它们已经开 始烂了.
rot v.(使)腐烂,(使)腐败 n.腐烂,腐败


rotary a.旋转的,转动的
Some large stores have rotary doors. ;有些大商场的大门是 旋转的.


rupture n.破裂,裂开; 断绝(关系等) v.使破裂
Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq. ;伊朗断绝了与伊拉克 的外交关系.

streamline vt.使成流线型; 使(企业、组织等) 简化并更有效率
Now cars are streamlined for speed and beauty. ;为了提高速度、增强美 观,现在小轿车均采用 流线型设计.

stumble vi.绊倒,蹒跚; 结巴地说话
I stumbled over a stone and fell. ;我在石头上绊了一下, 跌倒了.

sue vi.控告,向…请求,请愿 vt.控告,起诉
The Palestinians sued for peace. ;巴勒斯坦人祈求和平.


suffice vt./vi.足够,有能力
One glass of beer should suffice me. ;一杯啤酒就够我喝了.
No words will suffice to convey my grief. ;没有言语能够表达 我的悲伤.

tumble n.跌倒;摔倒 vi.跌倒,滚翻; (价格等)暴跌
Owning to the Asian financial crisis the stock prices tumbled in the world. ;由于亚洲金融危机 全球股价暴跌.
When a baby is just learning to walk,he will often tumble over. ;幼儿刚学走路时 会经常跌倒.

turnover n.营业额,销售量; 人员调整;人员更新.
The textile export turnover has been increased 67% this year in China. ;中国的纺织品出口额 今年增长了67%.


vocal a.喜欢畅所欲言的, 直言不讳的; 嗓音的,发声的
A cricket's chirps are not vocal;they are made by rubbing the legs. ;蟋蟀的鸣声不是从嗓 子发出的,而是通过 摩擦双腿发出来的.
We were very vocal about our rights. ;我们直言不讳地表达了 我们应有的权利.