
adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的
It is reported that over 40% of the adolescents are smokers in China. ;据报道,中国有40%的 青少年吸烟.
Parents should pay special attention to the psychological development ;父母要特别注意其 心理成长
of their children when they are in adolescent period. ;在孩子青春期时.

aerial n.天线 a.飞机的,航空的,由飞机 进行的;空中的,架空的
An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River. ;一条架空索道横跨于 黄河之上.

bias n.偏见,偏袒,偏心 vt.使有偏见
His experiences bias him against businessman. ;他的经历使他对商人 抱有偏见.

bizarre a.奇形怪状的,怪诞的
The frost made bizarre patterns on the windowpane. ;霜冻在玻璃窗上形成了 奇形怪状的图案.

certainty n.必然的事, 确定的事实; 确实,确信
I can say with certainty that he is right. ;我可以肯定地说他是 对的.

chord n.和弦,和音;弦,心弦
The little boy touched the right chord and I gave him ten dollars. ;小男孩触动了我的心弦, 于是给了他10美元.

clamp vt.(用夹具等)夹紧, 夹住,固定 n.夹头,夹具,夹钳
The Columbian police are going to clamp down on criminal activity in this area. ;哥伦比亚警方打算严厉打 击这个地区的犯罪活动.

definitive a.最可靠的,权威性的; 决定性的
Professor Li Siguang made a definitive speech on the formation of rocks ;李四光教授对岩石的 形成作了权威的发言
at the seminar held in Paris. ;在巴黎举办的研讨会上

depict vt.描绘,描述
Hemingway depicts the horrors of war in his works. ;海明威在他的作品中描述 了战争的恐怖.

eject vt.驱逐,逐出;喷射, 排出,弹出
Vesevius ejected a lot of lava and ashes when it erupted last year. ;维苏威火山去年喷发时, 喷射出大量的熔岩和火 山灰.

elapse vi.(时间)消逝,过去
Two years have elapsed since I entered the university. ;我进大学读书到现在, 亿过去两年了.

elite n.(总称)上层人士,掌权 人物,实力集团;(总称) 出类拔萃的人(或集团)
The Oxford University and Cambridge Uninersity have ;牛津大学和剑桥大学
educated the political and scientific elited for the British society. ;为英国社会培养了政治和 科学方面的精英.

feast n.盛宴,筵席;节日 vi.(~on)尽情地吃, 宴饮
On April 11, ;4月11日,
the former NBA star Rodman invited over 1500 people to his birthday feast. ;前NBA球星罗 得曼邀请了1500多人参 加他的生日盛宴.

feat n.伟绩,伟业,技艺
Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a marvelous engineering feat. ;南京长江大桥是了不起 的工程伟绩.

genetic a.遗传学的 n.[p遗传学
More and moere doctors believe that cancer is a genetic disease. ;越来越多的医生认为癌症 是遗传病.

hierarchy n.等级制度;统治集团, 领导层
The Supreme Court is the head of a hierarchy of federal courts. ;最高法院是联邦法院等级 系统中的最高机构.

imitation n.模仿;仿制,仿制品; 赝品
An artist who can only give imitation of others' styles will not achieve acclaim. ;一个只会模仿他人风格的 艺术家是不会获得人们称 赞的.

impair vt.损害,损伤,削弱
Over 200,000 babies are born in the U.S. each year ;每年美国出生的婴儿超过 20万人
with deformed bodies and impaired minds because of defective genes. ;由于基因有缺陷,有畸形 躯体和心灵损伤.

impetus n.推动,促进,刺激; 推动力
The reform and open policy is the primary impetus behind China's economic recovery. ;改革开放政策是促进中国 经济恢复的主要推动力.

layman n.门外汉,外行
Doctors sometimes confuse laymen with their jargon. ;医生有的用专门术语把外 行人弄得稀里糊涂,

maneuver n.谨慎而熟练的动作,策 略;[p演习 vt.使设法变动位置,操纵 vi.设法变动位置,用策略
I maneuvered myself out of an embarrassing position. ;我小施策略,使自己 摆脱困境.

manuscript n.手稿,原稿,底稿; 手写本
Now in China,most writers,especially the young ones, ;现在中国大多数的作家, 尤其是年轻作家
can use computers to write their manuscripts. ;都能用电脑来写搞了.

necessitate ;vt.使成为必要,需要
The increase in population necessitates a greater food supply. ;人口的增加需要更多的 事物供应.

offset vt.补偿,抵消
He has to offset his small salary by living economically. ;他以节俭的生活来抵消 其低微的收入.

perfection n.完美,完善
The engineers in Honda Automobile Factory ;本田汽车厂的工程师们
are working toward the perfection of a new design. ;正在努力改进一项新的 设计使之完美.

periodic a.周期的,定期的, 时而发生的
There is such an orchestra in the Caucasus. ;高加索确实有这样一个 乐团.
All of the members are more than 100 years old. ;乐团的所有成员都在百 岁以上,
They rehearse regularly and give periodic concerts. ;他们定期排练,定期开 音乐会.

permissible a.可允许的,许可的
The prison governor said ;监狱长说
what the prisoner requested was unfortunately not permissible. ;囚犯的请求不大可能得 到批准.

recycle vt.回收利用(废物等)
In Los Angeles alone, millions of pounds of paper are discarded or burned daily ;仅仅在洛杉矶,每天都有 数百万磅的纸张被扔下或 烧掉,
rather than saved for recycling. ;而不是留着再次利用.

serial n.连续剧,连载故事 a.连续的,顺序排列的
Jing Yong's Kongfu novels have appeared as serial novels in newspapers. ;金庸的武侠小说以连载小 说的形式出现在报纸上.