近日,上海新东方综合能力部主任、上海新东方口译研究中心负责人邱政政老师携手《剑桥标准英语教程》作者Michael McCarthy教授于上海复旦皇冠假日大酒店接受沪江网独家采访,就教材相关问题进行交流、解答。


1. You have been teaching and lecturing in around 40 different countries, so you must have noticed some differences or similarities among English learners. In your opinion, do English learners from different countries exhibit different characteristics in language learning, or do they have similar problems?




2. Cambridge University Press introduces this textbook as “easy and enjoyable to teach…offering a fresh approach to the teaching and learning of English.” But to be frank, this textbook does not look very different from traditional textbooks, so what is this fresh approach to EFL or ESL teaching?



3. You mention the word “corpus” several times in your textbook, like corpus-informed, corpus-based, etc. Though corpus is not a new idea, there are still some language teachers or learners who are not familiar with this concept. So could you please tell us a little bit about this “corpus” and how you used it when you wrote the Touchstone textbook?



4. I saw that your most recent program is called "Graphic Online Language Diagnostic", so does that mean the idea of using this ‘corpus’ concept to teach can also applied to online language teaching and learning? How can online teachers use this method to make their teaching more effective?


答:我举个例子吧。混合式学习(Touchstone Blended Learning)项目有一套完整的网上学习系统,通过不同的活动呈现所有教学内容,便于学生进行复习。这些活动中包含合作式学习( collaborative learning),学习者通过加入各种学习俱乐部,学起来十分有动力。再者,这种混合式学习也可以在一定程度上减轻老师负担,其管理系统(management system)可以记录学生网上学习活动。


5. As Shanghai New Oriental School started using Touchstone last summer, the teachers have also come across with many problems. One of them is the level of difficulty in the textbooks. Because many Chinese students find the material too easy. For example, exercises dealing with attributive clauses, direct & indirect speech, and tenses in intermediate-level textbooks cause some students to lose motivation. What advice would you give to teachers and students facing this problem?


答:很高兴听到你们说这本书很容易。一般来说,学生都会抱怨教材太难。其实答案很简单:跳到下一册教材吧!教材的每一册主题都很相似,也许有的老师会感觉很疑惑。在这种情况下,有两个解决方案。首先,可以常回顾以前知识。虽然每一册包含同一个话题,但覆盖不同的内容,学生可以在下一册学到新的内容,循序渐进的学英语。另外,对于学习刻苦的中国学生,教材提供一些补充的材料,如有些特别的主——如何装饰旅馆。学生通过学习补充材料得到成就感 学习起来才有动力。值得一提的是,编教材也众口难调,有的学生觉得难,有的会觉得相当容易。如果大部分学生觉得难,自然可以跳到下一册。我们不要做教材的奴隶, 教材只是学习的工具和资源。

6. Another problem we’re facing is regarding to two parts in this book. First, the “grammar in use” is sometimes skipped in class, because students find it very boring. Second, the “conversation strategy” cause some difficulties for teachers. They struggle to find new ways to do the exercise, and end up having students listen for details, then explain useful words and point out the importance of the strategy. So can you give our teachers some suggestions or tips on how they can teach these parts in a more effective and interesting way?

问:教材有两个部分:grammar in use和conversation strategy。因为grammar in use部分较为枯燥,所以教师在课堂上不讲解。对于第二部分conversation strategy,老师们竭尽全力尝试新方法,却劳而无功。您觉得在教学中,如何才能使这两部分内容更生动而有效?



7. We’ve been talking specifically about Touchstone, its features and methods and how to use it. But our last question is regarding language in general. There is a vivid metaphor about language; it is said that “language is like music” and I believe these two are related in so many ways. So I thought it was interesting when I also learned that you’re quite accomplished on the guitar. So is there any connection between you being a language expert and a music lover?


答:是的,我认为两者之间有紧密的关系。就我个人经验来说,首先音乐和语言的基本的元素是一致的,那就是语法。比如吉他有四根琴弦,人有5根手指,其中存在很多种搭配。其次,音乐也有词汇,比如高音、低音和节奏。音乐也有节目库(repertoire):你喜欢的音乐和歌曲;英语学习者有他所使用的英语。再者,音乐和英语都具有互动性,要使用所学的知识。 再者,两者都拥有老师——并且喜欢上老师很重要。