Lesson 27

axis n.轴,中心线
At the end of World War Two,the Axis Power lost the war to the Allied Powers ;第二次世界大战结束的时 候,轴心国被同盟国打败
including USA,USSR, Britain,China,France, etc. ;(同盟国)包括美国、 苏联、英国、中国和法国 等.

barren a.(土地)贫瘠的,荒芜的
The farmers have taken strenuous pains to turn the barren land into productive fields ;农民们历尽艰辛把贫瘠之 地变成了多产的良田.

beforehand ad.事先,提前
Before the summit talk between the two Korean states, ;在朝鲜北南双方领导人 会晤之前,
officials from both sides had got everything ready beforehand. ;两国的官员已经事先做 好了一切准备.

cereal n.(加工而成的) 谷类食物
The diet of a normal, healthy person should regularly include dairy products,meats, ;一个正常健康人的饮食应 该包括乳制品、肉类、
fruits and vegetables, and cereal products. ;水果蔬菜和谷类食物.
clasp vt.抱紧,握紧;扣紧
Julia Roberts clasped the Oscar Award in her hands,as if fearing it would be snatched away ;茱莉亚.罗泊茨把奥斯卡 奖紧紧握在手里,好像担 心有人会抢走它似的.
divine a.神的,天赐的
To err is human:to forgive,divine. ;人非圣贤,孰能无过; 宽以待人,神亦不逮.
doctrine n.主义,教条
Not confined by doctr- ines,the so-called fifth-generation movie directors ;这些第五代电影导演们不 拘泥于教条,
have shot some breathtaking films. ;拍摄了一些令人叹为观止 的电影.
eloquent a.雄辩的,有说服力的
Martin Luther King's eloquent speeches have moved men throughout the U.S. ;马丁.路德.金雄辩的 演讲感动了全美国的人,
to join in the anti-racism movement. ;大家都投入反种族歧视 运动中去.
facilitate vt.使便利,便于
The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. ;新的地下铁路将为去城市 各处提供方便.
It is really terrific. ;地铁真好.

flatter vt.向…谄媚,奉承
Most inferiors flattered their superiors ;大多数下级都奉承上级,
with an exception of Mr.Parkson. ;惟有派克逊先生例外.

garment n.(一件)衣服
Dongguan city of Guangdong province swarms with a lot of joint ventures, ;广东省东莞市有许多合 资企业,
a lot of which are garment factories. ;当中有不少是服装厂.

gorgeous a.华丽的,绚丽的;极好的
Yoyo Ma's gorgeous techniques in playing the cello have earned him admiration ;马友友拉大提琴精湛的技 艺给他带来人们的羡慕,
and thunderous applauses. ;还有阵阵雷鸣般的掌声.

knob n.球型把手,球形柄
Be sure not to turn that knob.It is for emergency braking. ;千万别转动那个球形手 柄.那是供紧急刹车用 的.

marble n.大理石
Marble,because of its beauty and hardness,is often used to build things meant to last. ;由于大理石美丽坚固, 常被用来建造经久的 东西.

messenger n.送信人,信使
Though taking no secret missions, ;尽管没有接受秘密使命,
these artists have actually become messengers between the two countries. ;这些艺术家们实际上成了 两国的使者.

odor n.气味
The unspeakable odor clung to the room,and we couldn't find its source. ;一股难以形容的气味充 斥着房间散不出去,而我 们找不到其来源.

paradise n.天堂,乐园
In China Hangzhou and Suzhou are often known as "the Paradise on Earth". ;在中国,苏州和杭州常 被称为“人间天堂”.

patent n.专利(权)
As this invention is protected by patent right, ;这项发明受专利权保护,
no one is allowed to copy or use it without permission. ;谁都不能在未经许可的 情况下复制或者使用它.

perish vi.毁灭,消亡
The Italian city of Bombay perished in a violent volcanic eruption. ;在一次猛烈的火山爆发 中,庞贝这座意大利城 市被毁灭了.

practicable a.可行的,适用的
Those fantastic ideas of his are just not 't be misled by them. ;他的那些胡思乱想不可 行.不要被误导了.

queer a.奇怪的,异常的; 不舒服的
Madonna has a strange way of attracting her audience. ;麦当娜很会吸引听众,
At times,she might give out a queer laugh. ;有时她只是简单地怪笑 几声.

reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的
Although I gave him many presents,I had no reciprocal gifts from him. ;虽然我给他很多礼物, 但我没有收到过他给 我的礼物.

revolve v.旋转
The ancient Egyptians thought the sun revolved round the earth ;古代埃及人认为地球运 转,
but still predicted eclipses. ;却竟然能预测日月蚀.

safeguard vt.维护 n.预防措施,保证条款
It goes without saying that the sole duty of the army ;不言而喻,军队的唯一 职责
is to safeguard national independence and state sovereignty. ;就是维护民族独立和国 家主权.

shatter vi.使粉碎,使破灭
Ronaldo's last-minute goal shattered the fond dream of the AC Milan to tie the game. ;罗纳尔多最后一刻的进 球打碎了AC 米兰的取得 平局的美梦.

slaughter vt./n.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰
The panic of mouth and foot disease ;口蹄疫的恐慌,
caused the British government to slaughter millions of cattle. ;使英国政府屠杀了数百 万头牲口.

solo a./ad.单独的(地) n.独奏(曲),独唱(曲), 独舞
In a ballet performance.I'd like to watch a solo rather than a group dance. ;在芭蕾舞演出中,我更 喜欢看独舞而不爱看 集体舞.

symphony n.交响乐,交响曲
In a symphony show,an audience may feel a variety of mixed feelings. ;在一场交响乐音乐会中, 听众会产生各种复杂的 情怀.

trigger vt.触发,引起 n.枪的扳机; 引起反应的行为
The new recruit accidentally triggered his rifle ;那个新兵无意中扣发了 他步枪的扳机,
and the bullet went through a flying eagle. ;子弹竟然射中了一只飞行 中的老鹰.

unanimous a.全体一致的, 一致同意的
The country is unanimous in its support of ;全国一致支持
the government's policy to reduce the deficit. ;政府消减赤字的政策.

yoke n.牛轭;束缚,枷锁 vt.结合,连结
With efforts from the doctor and his loving family, ;在医生和充满爱心的家人 的帮助下,
the youngster has freed himself from the yoke of drug addiction. ;那个少年摆脱了毒瘾 的控制.