
A baboon enjoying an ice lolly to cool off at Hangzhou Wild Animal Zoo, Hangzhou, China


A polar bear with a traffic cone on his head refreshes himself in the water in Moscow Zoo. We assume it's the same polar bear that was pictured with a bucket on his head last week. We can't wait to see what he wears next week


An elephant nicknamed Troublesome is snapped taking a drink from the pool at Etali Safari Lodge, South Africa. Susan Potgieter, owner of the lodge, said: "When I first saw the photograph of her drinking I couldn't believe it. It was something of a relief because we had been trying to work out why the pool had been draining so quickly for weeks but couldn't find a leak anywhere"
一只名叫“麻烦鬼”的大象被拍到在南非的Etali Safari旅馆的小池边偷水喝。旅馆主人SusanPotgieter 说:“我第一次看到这张照片时简直不敢相信。现在我们明白为何这几个礼拜池子里虽没发现裂缝但里面的水却干地那么快了,终于可以松口气了。”


'Mollie' the Australian Long Neck Freshwater Turtle gets a daily walk along Edithvale beach with her owner, Helen Beaumont
一只名叫Mollie的澳大利亚长颈淡水龟在主人Helen Beaumont的陪伴下天天沿着Edithvale海滩散步。


A Japanese Spitz named Lucy is dyed as a bird for a pet colouring competition at a pet show in Taipei


A costumed dog with an unusually long tongue is seen during a pre-Carnival street parade in Rio de Janeiro


A dog wipes out during the annual Surf City Surf Dog competition at Huntington Beach in California
在加利福利亚Huntington海滩举办的一年一度的“城市狗狗冲浪大赛"上,一狗狗不小心从冲浪板上跌了下 来。


A young baboon plays with a discarded lump of chewing gum, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photographer Mark Chertkow, who was driving, stopped and quickly snapped the ape as it pulled on the gum, appearing to taste it
南非克鲁格国家公园里一只年轻的狒狒正玩弄着一块被嚼过的口香糖。恰好开车路过的摄影师Mark Chertkow停了下来迅速抓拍了它揪起口香糖要吃下去的样子。


A dog looks at another dog with a red punk hairstyle on the street in Changchun, Jilin Province, China


Tony and Judie Ellis, a British couple holidaying in the Maldives, spotted a crow flying past carrying a packet of cigarettes. It alighted on the roof of the villa next to theirs and began extracting the cigarettes from the packet. As Judie rushed to get her camera, two more crows arrived for a fag break. Judie, from the appropriately-named Crowborough in East Sussex, said: 'The crow seemed to be dishing them out to the others"
Tony和Judie Ellis这对来自英国的夫妻在马尔代夫度假时发现一只乌鸦嘴里叼着一包香烟飞过上空。它在Ellis夫妇隔壁的别墅屋顶落了下来,并开始把烟从包里抽出 来。正当Judie冲进屋里拿相机时,又有两只乌鸦过来歇歇脚。来自东萨西克斯郡克罗伯勒的Judie说:”那只乌鸦似乎想把烟分给其他伙伴。 “