
作者简介:阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton),英伦才子型作家,生于1969年,毕业于剑桥大学,现住伦敦。著有小说《爱情笔记》(1993)、《爱上浪漫》(1994)、《亲吻与述说》(1995)及散文作品《拥抱逝水年华》(1997)、《哲学的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的艺术》(2002)、《身份的焦虑》(2004)、《幸福的建筑》(2007)、《工作颂歌》(2009)、《机场一周:希思罗日记》(2009)。他的作品已被译成二十几种文字。


第六章 困难中的慰藉 Consolation for Difficulties

本章谈到的是德国哲学家尼采。弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844年10月15日—1900年8月25日),德国哲学家,他的著作对于宗教、道德、现代文化、哲学、以及科学等领域提出了广泛的批判和讨论。他的写作风格独特,经常使用格言和悖论的技巧。尼采对于后代哲学的发展影响极大,尤其是在存在主义与后现代主义上,都以各自的形式回应尼采的哲学思想。(以上资料来自网络百科)


1. "What if pleasure and displeasure were so tied together that whoever wanted to have as much as possible of one must also have as much as possible of the other... you have the choice: either as little displeasure as possible, painlessness in brief... or as much displeasure as possible as the price for the growth of an abundance of subtle pleasures and joys that have rarely been relished yet? If you decide for the former and desire to diminish and lower the level of human pain, you also have to diminish and lower the level of their capacity for joy."

Rabpag 笔记

what if
【例句】What if the boy's parents should leave?如果那男孩的父母离开了该怎么办呢?
What if I fail! 即使我失败了又怎样!
in brief
【例句】In brief, mammals are warm-blooded, lung-breathing, hairy vertebrates. 简言之,哺乳动物是温血、肺呼吸和多毛的脊椎动物。
I treated the subject in brief outline. 我简单地概述了那个问题。

2. The most fulfilling human projects appeared inseparable from a degree of torment, the sources of our greatest joys lying awkwardly close to those of our greatest pains...

Rabpag 笔记

fulfill :vt.履行,实现,完成;满足,使满意
torment:n.折磨;令人痛苦的东西(人) vt.折磨;纠缠
awkwardly:adv. 笨拙地, awkward adj.


3. Every pain is an indistinct signal that something is wrong, which may engender either a good or bad result dpending on the sagacity and strength of mind of the sufferer. Anxiety may precipitate panic, or an accurate analysis of what is amiss. A sense of injustice may lead to murder, or to a ground-breakiing work of economic theory. Envy may lead to bitterness, or to a decision to compete with a rival and the production of a masterpiece.

Rabpag 笔记

engender:vt. 产生, 引起 vi. 发生, 形成
sagacity:n. 精明, 敏锐, 有远见
precipitate:vt.促成, 使 ... 沉淀, 猛摔 n.沉淀物, 冷凝物 adj.仓促的, 迅猛的, 感情用事的
amiss:adj. 有毛病的, 出差错的, 有缺点的, 不合适的 adv. 有毛病地, 出差错地, 不合适地