10 Mark Kaganovich1

Mark Kaganovich was student at Harvard and friend of Hammer who have friends who have joined Facebook in start and Mark was one of the friends referred by Hammer and the interesting thing is Hammer joined the Facebook later.
Mark Kaganovich是哈佛大学的学生,也是Hammer的朋友,受Hammer影响他注册了Facebook,在Facebook刚创立的时候Hammer就有朋友注册了。有意思的是Hammer之后也加入了Facebook。

9 Colin Kelly

Colly a Harvard student and friend of David Hammer and Collin Jackson too.
Colly也是一位哈佛学子,David Hammer和Collin Jackson的朋友。

8 Andrew Mccollum

MacCullum and Mark Zuckerberg were in same class and that’s how he joined Facebook so early.

7 Chris Putnam

Putnam is the second guy to join the Facebook who was not the Harvard student. He used to be one of the very first programmers at Facebook.

6 Soleio Cuervo

Cuervo was friends with early Facebook members Kang-Xing Jin and Marcel Laverdet.
Cuervo是Facebook早期用户Kang Xing Jin和Marcel Laverdet的朋友。

5 Marcel Georgs Laverdet

Marcel is one of the early IDs at Facebook and he was probably the first non Harvard user to join Facebook. Marcel was also friends with early Facebookers Chris Putnam, Soleio Cuervo, Kang-Xing Jin, Chris Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg.
Marcel是Facebook的早期用户之一,他也许是第一个注册Facebook的非哈佛学子。Macel还是Chris Putnam,Soleio Cuervo,Kang-Xing Jin,Chris Hughes,Mark Zuckerberg这些Facebook早期注册用户的好朋友。

4 Arie Hasit

Arie the first non founder to jojn the Facebook was the friend of David Hammer and Co Founder Chris Hughes.
Arie是首位注册Facebook的非内部人士,他是David Hammer和Facebook合伙创立人Chris Hughes的朋友。

3 Dustin Moskovitz

Dustin and Mark Zuckerberg were Roommates at Harvard, Dustin is one of the Co Founders of Facebook.

2 Chris Hughes

Chris Hughes was Roommate with Mark Zuckerberg and he co founded the Facebook.
Chris Hughes是马克·扎克伯格的室友,也是Facebook帮马克创立Facebook的功臣之一。

1 Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg founder of the Facebook.