Summary of the eRumor:

Several pictures of an adult tiger seeming to be mothering some piglets wrapped in tiger skins. The email says that the pictures are from a zoo in California where the mother tiger had losttriplets and the grieving was so bad that it began to affect her health.


A search for surrogate cubs was fruitless so the zoo decided to capitalize on one species sometimes rearing the young of another species and brought in some orphaned piglets, wrapped them in tiger skins.


The Truth:

The pictures are not from a zoo in California but the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Thailand, a popular attraction that boasts of 200 tigers, 100,000 crocodiles, trained pigs, elephants, and other animals. The zoo features creative shows and displays of animals including these pictures of an adult tiger with piglets dressed like tiger cubs. One of the goals of the zoo is to demonstrate how animals of different species can live peacefully together.
这组照片里的几只小动物不是来自加利福尼亚州的动物园而是来自泰国的拉查龙虎园,拉查龙虎园自称有200只老虎,100000条鳄鱼, 还训练了猪、大象等动物。龙虎园正在录制一档相当有创意的纪录片,其中就展示了这组披着虎皮的猪宝宝和虎妈妈的照片。园方此举的目的之一就是想探索怎样让 不同动物和谐相处。


One of the experiments was introducing baby piglets to a mother tiger (who herself had been nursed by a pig) and it worked. At one time the mother tiger nursing piglets was in an enclosure next to an enclosure where a sow was nursing baby tigers. The zoo says those cubs grew faster from the pig's milk.
