Handsome British actor Sam Claflin is set to star opposite Kristen Stewart in the upcoming film Snow White and the Huntsman.
英国帅小伙Sam Claflin确定将搭档克里斯汀·斯图尔特,一同出演新片《白雪公主与猎人》。

The 24-year-old has landed the role of Prince Charming in the fairytale revamp alongside the Twilight Saga star.
现年24岁的Sam Claflin得到了这部改编童话剧中的“白马王子”一角,和他演对手戏的将是凭借《暮色》系列大红大紫的克里斯汀·斯图尔特。

Stewart will play Snow White while Charlize Theron has been cast as the evil Queen.

The plot revolves around the traditional tale of the queen becoming jealous of Snow White's beauty and sending the huntsman to kill her.

But in a novel twist the hunter decides to train Snow White to survive and fight back.
不过电影的剧情更狗血一点:猎人决定训练白雪公主如何逃生并反击。(果真很狗血= =)

Claflin, who got his big break starring in TV dramas Pillars of the Earth, Any Human Heart and United, has only recently made the leap to the big screen.
Sam Claflin在英剧《圣殿春秋》、《赤子之心》和BBC新剧《United》中有突破性表演,他最近才转战大荧幕。

He will soon be seen in cinemas in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and also has The Seventh Son alongside Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges lined up.
不过在即将上映的《加勒比海盗4》中就能看到他的身影,他还与Julianne Moore和Jeff Bridges合作出演了电影《第七个儿子》。

Stewart made a splash at Sunday's Met Costume Institute Gala in a slinky geometric-printed black and red Proenza Schouler dress.

“吸血鬼恋人”克里斯汀·斯图尔特新片扮演“白雪公主”  >>查看详情
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