Over the Way


The sunshine’s come, the flowers dance along the river, the mountain.
It’s cold in the stream, I jump in and swim, 
being a dreamer, saying nothing in words.

Approaching to a child, ignoring the crowd.
I hear my heart beats, it’s so real.
Nameless song, I’ve sung it over the way. 

And maybe I’ll be alone to be on the tramp with the moon.
So you empty the roads leading the craft for truth.

Cause I don’t have wings to fly  so freely like birds in the sky.
I’ll have to let go of mind  to soar in the wind and smile.



从小跟着父亲听 the Beatles、Eagles、Don Mclean、Carpenter 的黄建为,白天是一位实习中的职能治疗师,夜晚他拿起吉他弹唱自己的歌。从来不曾拜师学琴、学作曲,黄建为靠自己灵敏的耳朵、丰富的想像力,创作出一首又一首感动四、五、六年级的歌曲。


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