
Though with big money, some big names don't seem to have big stores of clothes.


New Balance sneakers, Levi’s and black mock turtlenecks? It must be Steve Jobs. From left, in San Francisco in June 2010; in Cupertino, Calif., in July 2010; and in San Francisco in September 2010.
纽巴伦(New Balance)运动鞋、里维斯牛仔裤、黑色高领套头毛衣?一定是乔布斯了。左:2010年6月,旧金山;中:2010年7月,库佩蒂诺;右:2010年9月,旧金山。(老乔啊,苹果的产品都长的那么漂亮,您能也穿漂亮点吗?= =)


Hoodies forever: Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook chief executive, in Palo Alto, Calif., in May 2010; in San Francisco in April 2010; and in Sun Valley, Idaho, in July 2010.
连帽衫,连帽衫,还是连帽衫:介就是Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。左:2010年5月,加州波罗阿托市;中:2010年4月,旧金山;2010年7月,爱达荷州太阳谷。(Mark啊,是你女朋友稀饭你穿连帽衫么?^^)


Sergio Marchionne, the chief executive of Fiat and Chrysler, favors a black sweater and a checked Oxford shirt. "Not wearing a suit means we are more flexible and what really matters is not the uniform but something else," an associate says.
Mr. Marcionne is shown, from left, in Michigan in October 2009; in Detroit in May 2010; in Auburn Hills, Mich., in December 2009.
菲亚特和克莱斯勒集团CEO,Sergio Marchionne先生最喜欢黑毛衣+格子花纹衬衫了。“不穿西装感觉我们更自在更灵活,何况重要的并不是穿什么。”一位合作伙伴如是说道。左:2009年10月,密歇根;中:2010年5月,底特律;右:2009年12月,密歇根州奥本山。(咦,老爷子第一张图中穿的是带拉链的黑毛衣哦,表再嫌弃人家不换衣服啦~)


Andrea Jung, chairman and chief executive of Avon Products, has a signature look of sleeveless sheaths — often red — and pearls. She is shown, from left, in Washington in October 2010; in Beverly Hills, Calif., in August 2007; in Washington in March 2009.
雅芳集团主席和CEO:Andrea Jung女士,总是穿着大红无袖套装,再加一条白色珍珠项链。


Michael Kors, the designer, has worn jeans, a T-shirt and a black blazer for nearly all eight seasons of "Project Runway." From left, in New York, on "Project Runway," and at the "Project Runway" fashion show, all in September 2010.
设计师Michael Kors先生,在全八季的真人秀节目《天桥骄子》中几乎都是穿着牛仔裤、T恤衫加黑色西装上衣。三张图都是2010年9月在《天桥骄子》的现场,除了换换裤子,还真是雷打不动啊。。。


Simon Cowell, the former "American Idol" judge, is partial to jeans, T-shirts and black blazers. From left, in 2002, 2010 and 2007.
前美国超模的评委Simon Cowell先生,也是特别钟爱牛仔裤+T恤衫+黑外套。从左到右分别是他在2002、2010和2007的造型。(不得不说,帅哥还是怎么穿都帅啊^^)