Hunan TV Hostess Li Xiang Transfers to Beijing TV


 Hunan's most famous TV hostess Li Xiang will host a daily showbiz news program on Beijing TV.  

 A grand press conference was held yesterday in Beijing to welcome the star anchor to her new position.  

Li Xiang became a household name across the nation when she hosted a variety show called "Happy Camp" on Hunan TV. Last year, she also hosted the influential and highly popular national TV singing contest "Super Voice Girl".   

Her new role will be the first time she has acted as a news anchor since she graduated from the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, now the Communication University of China, 10 years ago.   

The popular actress, singer and TV show hostess has been the subject of gossip, especially after she ended her two-year marriage to Chinese diamond tycoon Li Houlin last month.   

Reporters at the press conference asked her whether she will take advantage of her new post as a news anchor to short-circuit the negative reports on her. She promised she will remain objective and professional in her new role.  

showbiz:n. 娱乐界,娱乐性行业
influential:adj. 有影响的, 有势力的
news anchor:新闻节目主持人





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