It's been a suspenseful week for New Yorkers and Twitizens worldwide, but we can all rest easy. Once lost, the Bronx Zoo's Egyptian cobra has been found.

Was it, as the cobra's voice on Twitter suggested, thanks to the New York Yankees' home opener that brought the venomous snake out of hiding?

Hard to say. The cobra was discovered "coiled sort of secluded in a dark corner" Thursday morning, according to zoo director Jim Breheny.
还很难说。这条眼镜蛇被周四早晨发现的时候“盘绕在一个隐蔽的阴暗角落”,动物园负责人Jim Breheny说。

The Egyptian cobra's venom can be deadly to humans, but no one was hurt during the six days it was missing.

相关阅读:动物园逃跑眼镜蛇开Twitter账号 粉丝过十万(囧组图)>>
