Kate Middleton has asked her wedding guests to donate to an anti-bullying charity, in a tacit admission she was a victim at school. Former classmates have previously revealed how then 13-year-old Kate was forced to leave a private school after being targeted by bullies. Her parents are said to have removed her after just two terms, before sending their daughter to the exclusive Marlborough College part-way through the academic year.
随着威廉王子和凯特在威斯敏斯特大教堂的婚礼之日日趋临近,关于婚礼的报道铺天盖地,这不,关于婚礼的“礼金”问题又一次的浮上了水面。据称,威廉王子和凯特都拒绝接受礼金,只能接受亲友范围内的“小礼物”。对于礼金问题,这对准夫妇们有着自己的理解,凯特希望参加参加婚礼的宾客把“礼金”换成 “募捐”形式,将白花花的银子捐给“反欺凌慈善机构”。据透露,这位准王妃做出这个决定并非是“哗众取宠”,当时年仅13岁的凯特因童年在学校遭受“恐吓威胁”被迫离开私立学校,转到马尔伯勒学校继续念书,看来新娘子还没完全摆脱恐吓对她的童年遭成的伤害。

Now the Beatbullying charity has been included in a list of good causes that ‘resonate with’ Kate, 29, and Prince William. While most couples set up a gift list ahead of their big day, the royal couple yesterday asked their 1,900 guests and tens of thousands of well-wishers to donate to one of 26 chosen charities instead.

They include a London Zoo project to save the black rhino in Kenya, where William proposed, and several military charities linked to William’s work as an RAF search and rescue pilot and his new role as a colonel in the Irish Guards.