comfort, console, ease, soothe, relieve


1 comfort : 普通用词,指用语言或行动对痛苦者给予鼓励、勇气和力量,从而减轻其痛苦或悲伤,得到安慰。

The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.(这位老妇人经常安慰处于困境的人。)

2 console : 较正式用词,侧重缓和或减轻别人的痛苦或悲伤。

We tried to console her when her dog died.(她的狗死后, 我们尽力安慰她。)

3 ease : 正式用词,指减轻身心的痛苦、不安和忧虑。

The news that her child was safe eased her mind.(孩子平安的消息使她放心了。)

4 soothe : 着重以安慰减轻悲痛、愤怒或激动,使人理智地平静下来。也可指药物等减轻病痛。

I've managed to soothe him down a bit.(我想方设法使他平静了一点。)

5 relieve : 指解除或缓解某人的病痛、担心或忧虑等,常用被动态。

We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger.(听说她脱险了, 我们的心才放下来。)
